@Alexis 😮🥴
Over 10k and that’s with Medicaid
@Bones oh wow that's bizarre! Im on Medicaid and just had my daughter 6 months ago and I didn't have to pay a penny! Without Medicaid though the bill would have been around 8k
From what I’ve learnt about US medical care, it’s about $1k for paracetamol to be prescribed, never mind have a baby 🫣
US healthcare sucks
My first was an induction and I had GBS so I had antibiotics. My insurance max was $3000 and baby’s part was $1500 but we got 10% for paying early. My second was a natural occurring with no medication and ended up being about $1200 and baby’s part was $500 also had the 10% off for that
Baby was in NICU for 4 days and it was $17,000 before insurance I think. C section before insurance was over $20,000 I believe
Mine was $16,657 and I paid $600 I had Kaiser. All appointments and scans were free.
I was active duty for my sons birth at 28 weeks and his 64 day nicu stay plus follow ups with specialist and I paid nothing. My husband is still in so I’m still covered and we didn’t pay for my daughter’s birth either.
I only paid for a hospital admission copay for both of my deliveries. ($125) My insurance covered all my prenatal care and scans. We have really good insurance.
My insurance covered it all
Oh wow. This is one thing that puts me off US
I got full coverage for it all.
Holy crap that’s insane you have to pay to have a baby in the hospital 🤯 Definitely not leaving Canada near my due date! 😅
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Insurance paid it but i still got the bill itemized bill it was 15k
I have excellent insurance through my job. $100 I’m pretty sure because that’s my hospital copay.
What happens if you don’t have insurance or money to pay?
@Sorrel My guess would be they add interest and then send you to collections knowing the US. 🙄
@Rachel 😬😬
My hospital births were all around 20k
How do you pay for it? Does insurance covers it, or you just need to have at least 10k+ hanging around in your bank account? Can you take a loan, or pay in instalments? What happens if you actually cannot pay the bill?
I had really terrible insurance with my first baby and my bill was $19k. That included all prenatal care, the birth itself, 2 days in the hospital after birth, and a checkup 6 weeks postpartum. That was with no complications, extra testing/consultations/etc, just standard uncomplicated pregnancy and unmedicated vaginal birth. My son was back in the hospital at 2 weeks old for weight issues and spent 2 nights there where they literally just monitored his vitals, gave him formula, and weighed him a couple times. Nothing else. That bill was another $8k.
@Nattinan it’s a bill you’ll get and insurance will pay their portion and then you pay what’s left if your insurance doesn’t cover it all. I’m pretty sure there is a way to pay in installments but some people have medical debt that never gets paid. It’s just there
@Nattinan we didn’t have insurance when I had my hospital births. We did not pay them. We filed bankruptcy
Nothing bc I’ve got good insurance bc my dads in the military
Imagine going to give birth and thinking about the cost and those without insurance, that's awful we are so fortunate in the UK in this regard.
The bill was around $27,000 for everything. Keep in mind to that I didn’t get ANY medication. It was an all natural birth. Of course I’m not paying that amount cause of health insurance but after insurance kicks in we owe $1500.
And people say that America is the best place to live. 😅☠️😭💀
@Pris girlll and i ask them all the time on TikTok why do you think that🤣🤣🤣 its ghetto asfff over here
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@Keona girl, for reals. I'm in California, its overpriced and awful. We only get like 8 weeks or so of maternity leave. To where in Germany I believe they have up to a year of maternity leave..
So for my hospital births with “decent” insurance, the bill was for $20,000-ish dollars for a natural birth with no complications. After insurance covered what they wanted to, I had a bill for $1200. Then the OB that delivered was owed $750 after insurance. Then the hospital pediatrician that checked out the baby was owed $359 after insurance. The problem in America is that there is no oversight to what they can charge or how they can bill. The government doesn’t monitor the price gouging because it does not care about the welfare of its citizens.
$0 but only because I have Medicaid
Depends on insurance. Our out of pocket max was 4k and that's how much we were charged🥴i think insurance was billed around 40k
@Pris where I live in Wales you can get between 9 months to a year+ off for mat leave depending on where you work
Both of my births (both c sections, both 2 day stays. One 8day NICU stay the other no extra stay) were about $24k before insurance. After insurance I owed for my first(NICU baby) about $2400 And my second about $1400
We get a minimum of 12 weeks here 🙃 there are ways to extend it but that’s the general amount of time for maturity leave here.
My birth - epidural with c-section with a week long NICU stay was billed for $100, 000 that ended up with about $10, 000 out of pocket because we had insurance