Following to get some tips! I'm also losing it a lot esp when I've got pms. I wondered if he was picking up on my energies cos it always seems to be when I'm not my usual self.
ugh i’m losing it too, you’re not alone mama :( i’m sad you feel the need to be anonymous, i am shouting a lot more than i’d like, im also pregnant with my second which is adding a lot of pressure to my mood, but i hate when i shout :( xx
My little girl tells me and my husband she doesn’t like us anymore when we tell her no to something for example. So I wouldn’t take that to heart! Today she didn’t like me because she wanted her nan to pick her up from pre school not me 😂
I have found Loop Engage earplugs a god send for days when it just gets too much! I find they really help when the whinging and screaming take over 😅