And we thought two was bad 😂😂
Sounds pretty normal to be honest. 3 is hard 🥴 we’re the same. Tantrums left right and centre. Hitting ect and I’m pregnant with number 2 so it really isn’t ideal 😅 we’re just being consistent with boundaries and if he doesn’t like it then tough those are our “rules” and he has to follow them. For example he hates getting dressed and having his teeth brushed. It’s a battle every morning and every night for bed but the rule is, we have to get dressed and we have to brush our teeth before we leave the house or for bed, whether he likes it or not 🤷♀️ the neighbors probably think I’m performing an exorcism every morning 🤣
Do you offer lots of choices? Like with dressing and eating? Tantrums always have a reason and lots at this age is about wanting to gain some kind of independence and control over things
Performing an exorcism is very accurate 🤣. We just had a chat with nursery about the behaviours and they said there is nothing out of the ordinary to be alarmed about her behaviour yet. But other kids of same age just don't seem as bad when we have playdates
Can I ask how you deal with these tantrums? What do you do whilst shes screaming and rolling on the floor?
I just came to say.. three is a wild ride.. my daughter struggles too.. we are working on boundaries and I am trying to implement certain things with her such no means no and if mommy says no then that’s that.. if she tantrums then she tantrums if she hits then it’s time out I think consistency plays a big part.