@Emma do you find your little one wakes up not long after they've gone down at that time though? I'm nervous about moving his bedtime that much earlier in case he then wakes up fully. My little one cries quite a bit and we're not sure what to do to keep him awake. What do you find works?
It’s only been a couple days but she’s woken up at 4am for an hour 😬 but then managed to go back down until 8am. We are still firmly in the sleep regression so it’s hard to know how her sleep will be once we are out of this. We’ve been bathing her more than usual as she loves it, even when she’s in a bad mood/overtired, and it kills some time!
Our boy always wakes up 30 minutes after going down - can happen once or twice before he finally goes for the night. It doesn’t matter what time we do bedtime but we have started moving it earlier so it doesn’t ruin the entire evening and he is also tired then :)
We’ve had the same issue so have now given up with the final sleep, extended her wake window and moved bedtime to 7:30pm. It’s hard going through because she also naps 30 minutes at a time generally so can struggle with longer wake windows. It all feels like trial and error just now!