@Libby 🥳 thanks for the advice! Will definitely come back and update!🫶🏽
As Libby mentioned you want the line to be as dark to indicate your peak. Also, you can keep tract of body temperature to help tract potential ovulation and look at your discharge! Egg whites is what you want!! Also if you’re regular you can predict when abouts your ovulation window might be. We were also told to have add every 36-48hours to be sure to catch it. Best of luck!!
Don’t use the pregnancy tests until you’re close to your period starting. Just use ovulation tests now. You’ll want to take several ovulation tests. You can take them daily or even multiple times per day as the line gets darker. Once the line is at its darkest then that means you need to baby dance 💃🏻 🕺🏻 lol For your best odds you can baby dance before during and after your peak ovulation. You’ll ovulate within 24 hours of your peak. Is this the Premom app? I learned a lot from this app! It’s a good one to use. Also I’m with you, I had my first baby by accident and I’ve been trying for another for over a year now. I’ve figured out how to get pregnant but I keep having losses :( Good luck to you!!! 🍀
The test line has to be same darkness or darker than the control line in order to be considered your peak. And I see you are currently on cycle day 5 so its still early. Usually women start testing for ovulation around cycle day 8 and later. Also, so you dont be confused, you cant upload the ovulation tests under the pregnancy tests category. You have to upload under the ovulation test category in order to see which one they consider as your peak etc.
@Valerie thank you so much!
@Lisa it’s called Pregmate! I bought the bag from target! And thank you! I’m also so sorry and pray and blow baby dust your way 🫶🏽🫶🏽
@Patrice thanks so much!!!
@Jessica you're welcome
When mine are that dark I usually get a positive or peak within a few hours or next day. Too many people get caught up on peak versus positive. Peak is when the test line is darker than the control line. If the test line is as dark as the control line it means positive and you'll ovulate between 36-48 hours. The tricky park is some ovulate earlier than that timeframe. So when it starts to get relatively dark you want to make sure you are getting it on then. lol
@Stephanie lol! Okay thanks! 🫶🏽
Start testing with the ovulation tests twice a day untill the test line is as dark or darker than the control line, the ovulation usually occurs within 12-36 hours after that. When u get a positive test as mentioned then start baby dancing to your hearts content