I bought a couple of different sets pump parts so I can cycle through them in a day
I’m sterilizing after every feed with my uv sterilizer which makes it easier. Was going mad before doing it with the Milton cold water
With my old momcozy I would Milton sterlise after every pump. Unfortunately this caused faster degrading of the pump but I felt better about it. I had 3 sets of cups so I wasn't constantly washing between pumps I now use an elvie and I have 2 sets of cups that I use both then clean and sterlise via steam
I have several sets of pump parts so I don't have to wash constantly, but I use a baby brezza sterilizer once a day. I love it because it also dries the parts too.
I keep in the fridge while I’m not using and then pop in a saucepan of boiling water for 20 mins before bed to sterilise xx
I also keep in the fridge and do one big wash and sterilise per day. Have a fridge next to my bed overnight too 😂 x
@Anna so do you wash after each pump and then put it in the fridge? How does it work? Thank you!
No it just goes straight in the fridge! I decant the milk into my pitcher and then put the parts in a ziplock bag and in the fridge ready for next use. My lactation consultant basically said that you can leave milk in the fridge for up to four days. So the dregs of milk in the pump parts are being refrigerated same as the milk you would leave in the fridge to feed your baby. Technically she said I could leave it for up to four days but obviously I don’t 😂 I use two different pumps depending on what I’m doing so I do one big wash and sterilise of each a day xx
@Rosie sorry! Message above was for you! Forgot to click reply xx
@Anna thanks so much for replying! That does make sense! And your baby hasn’t been ill or sick by doing this method? This is going to save so much time haha😂xx
@Rosie no she hasn’t been sick! But obviously you need to do whatever you are comfortable with. But as soon as the lady said to me that basically putting your pump in the fridge is like putting a bottle of milk in the fridge then it made more sense to me! Just be careful with how you store it and wipe fridge out each night with anti bac. Tbh probably even better than a bag would be to sterilise and dry a food container that fits your parts in! And I did wait until she was 2 ish months before relaxing about it all abit. Hopefully this helps you though. The admin for it all is SO much isn’t it when you’re trying to pump, wash, sterilise, dry AND look after baby xx
@Anna thank you so much 💕 as soon as mine is a bit older I’m going to start that! Makes perfect sense xx
I stopped sterilising my pumps when the infant feeding midwife said I didn’t need to, so relaxed with it all right at the beginning. I have two sets of cups I rotate. I keep them in the fridge between pumps (like stored milk as mentioned above) then wash before bed. I then use my refrigerated one for my bedtime pump and bring the clean one up with me for my MOTD pump. The midwife said that as it’s only breast milk and not formula plus doesn’t come into contact with babies saliva there really isn’t need to wash every use nor sterilise at all but this is each to their own and do what makes you comfortable!
I bought the mom cozy washer and sterilizer. It’s been a game changer!!
I use a steam steriliser. I only sterilise every 24 hours and keep in a Tupperware box in the fridge in between. I do have 2 pumps now though so I don’t have to get out of bed for my nighttime pump as I keep a clean one by the bed