Super swollen ankles/ feet, back pain, everything pain 😅🤣
When is this going to end..
what’s the earliest you can be induced because i honestly cannot handle it anymore I just want to cry im in so much pain and so so so uncomfortable 😣
Good news is most of those problems will go away after birth, bad news is you’ll have a whole new list twice as long afterwards 😂
If you have high enough blood pressure they’ll let you go at 38w.. worked for me ! 🥲
This is my second and my first came at 36w2d so the fact that I’m still pregnant is making me go insane lol
Good news is most of those problems will go away after birth, bad news is you’ll have a whole new list twice as long afterwards 😂 If you have high enough blood pressure they’ll let you go at 38w.. worked for me ! 🥲