U deff have a point… It could have been an accident and she didn’t think about it. But Deff mention it so she’s more aware next time
Totally justified. It is perfectly well known that you don't take colds to a newborn's house. My entire family knew this rule without me needing to mention it, and they have all self isolated whenever they had even a sniffle. My MIL on the other hand let us get fully into her house while I was 8 months pregnant before telling us she had COVID... Some people are either ignorant or selfish.
Might be dramatic but she could’ve potentially put your baby in the hospital. I’d have gone ballistic if someone tried this with me. Tbh I would’ve sent them packing the moment they turned up. Anyway yes you are right to be angry. I’d be livid.
You're right to be angry, however try not to let this ruin what sounds like a lovely relationship you have with your MIL. Maybe just ask her next time to re schedule if she has a cough or doesn't feel well to avoid this in the future
You have every right to be upset. That was extremely selfish of her. I have family members that do this ALL of the time. I’ve now had to ask before I show up or they come over if anyone is sick. I get dirty looks and smart responses. They for some reason just look at me being dramatic or a germ freak. To me it’s just common sense and common courtesy?! Nobody wants to get sick let alone their child. It all trickles down to the parent getting no rest, having to call off work, can’t take your baby out anywhere. There’s so much more to it! If I were you, I would have your husband have a conversation with his mom in preparation of her next visit whenever that may be. Telling her how the two of you did not appreciate her coming sick last time which resulted in you and baby getting sick and to please be more upfront and careful next time.
My MIL did this to us when my daughter was 3 months old. She was like ‘I think its hayfever’ I was like ‘do you normally suffer with that?’ ‘No’ so you’ve come here with the flu? Lol Its really selfish to be honest
You are definitely right to be angry. I think if y’all have a good relationship yall should both talk with her and let her know how it made yall feel at that it cant knowingly happen again