Still sad

It's been six months. Miscarriage was at 8 weeks. Then I had a pregnancy that didn't progress past five weeks in November. How is it January and I still get overwhelmed with sadness and loss. Did anyone else feel like it took forever for these deeper feelings of despair to pass? How am I *this* impacted when there are those who go through this even further along.
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I lost my baby January 2023 and it is still with me every day. I went on to have a beautiful baby boy. But those feelings never go away. I started seeing a therapist after my loss. If you aren’t already, finding one with grief and pregnancy loss training would be helpful. Sorry to hear about your loss. Those little babies stay with us forever. ❤️

Idk if you have any sort of faith, but I don’t think I’d be anywhere without my prayers to God. I would be suffering so much worse than I am right now. Hugs 🫂

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