Is it just mucous or is he unsettled as well? My little one has a cows milk protein allergy but also is intolerant/ sensitive to a bunch of other foods as well. Make sure that you’re avoiding soy as the protein in soy is s very similar to cows milk protein. My little one is also intolerant to apples, potato, capsicum and spicy food, all of which cause him to be very unsettled and have mucousy poos.
Look into CMPI
@Maika my daughter was exactly the same as yours! Did the dairy free diet too and no difference. She just grew out of it.
See a paediatric dietitian, paediatricians don't have as much knowledge on baby nutrition as a dietitian does (even though they think they do 😅). It's not recommended to eliminate whole food groups from yours or babies/toddlers diets without guidance, especially if you're breastfeeding. Also, all babies are different when it comes to allergies and intolerances, just because something worked for someone else, doesn't mean that's what your baby needs
How old is baby, and did he recently have the rotavirus vaccine? My boy's poo became more mucousy after the first 2 instances of the vaccine, and we suspected cows milk protein allergy, but it turned out to just be a mild gut reaction.
@Maika did she have any other symptoms at that time?
@Caitlin sometimes he is unsettled but he doesn't have blood in the poo.He also poops a lot so i am not sure what's normal and what isn't🤦♀️ Thanks for your advice
@Estelle thank you, the paediatrician we see couldn't give me advice about my diet, or how long it takes to clear the dairy from my system, doesn't have an answer for any question i ask🤦♀️
@Laura he is 3 months old now, i've been on dairy free diet since he was 1month and a half old
It's definitely worth checking with a doctor, but I wouldn't automatically assume CMPI/CMPA based on mucous alone. Breastfed babies often have mucous. If there is consistent blood and he's very unsettled as well, maybe. If he has a dairy intolerance or allergy, it would take about 6-8 weeks for a diet change to take effect (sucks, i know). You also have to be SO strict with it, so no butter, read every label, etc. Soy can also be a problem as the proteins are apparently similar (but please do not cut out any more food unless confirmed allergy or intolerance! You'll just make yourself suffer) My boy is 5 months old and has always had mucous, and also poos a lot, like almost every nappy. We had specks of blood in the week after his first rotavirus vaccine, and i went dairy free for 2 weeks, but he improved very quickly. After the second rotavirus, he flared up with mucous and diarrhea but no blood, then got better in a week.
He's back to normal now. Frequent poos with mucous. No blood, and he's a happy baby. And I can eat cheese.
A little irritated right before a poo but nothing crazy and no other symptoms! Was her usual self which was why the doctor wasn’t worried! It won’t hurt to get another opinion but if they’re also not concerned it might be the same as what we experienced x
I’m not sure this is the most helpful advice, but we had the same when our daughter was quite little! I was on a dairy free diet as well and there was no changes… we took her to the doctor because there was the smallest amount of blood in there also but the doctor was not concerned. She said to monitor but mucus in baby poo is quite normal to help them pass it, and as she had no other symptoms it wasn’t anything she was worried about. Eventually my daughter grew out of it (even before solids). Again this probably isn’t super helpful but just a little peace of mind incase the next paediatrician says the same as this xx