I put raspberries and blackberries in his porridge as they mush down, the only fruit he’ll eat now is a banana (used to eat everything)
No real recommendations, but commenting as I feel I could have written this word for word! My little one is exactly the same, loves veg and a fruit pouch but no fresh fruit, I think it might a texture thing
My boy is the same! But I've noticed if the fruit or veg is wet he will not touch it (literally avoids touching them), but if the veg is cooked he will happily eat it. He will only eat bananas mashed down and spoon fed it but recently had a reaction to it. Literally tried everything even smoothies but he has a reaction to them 🙈
My LB was the same with fruit and has only recently just turned a corner & will eat most fruit now. We just kept trying different fruits & then eventually he liked one & then it went from there. I didn’t force & sometimes just let him play with it. Then now he eats it, but he was more a veggie boy than fruit.