Tommee tippee teats

My baby is 3 and a half months old and is been really fussy with his bottle. Pushing it out of his mouth not taking his full amount and messing with the teat. What could be causing this?
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Hey is your baby solely formula fed? My one started doing that round about the same time but found that she just sortve discovered it was a bottle and liked to mess about, she also started to drink in burst and still does upto this day, is he completely stopped drinking the full amount? Or is it in sortve bursts. Also have you checked for any mouth sores ( only saying this because my daughter suffered from mouth thrush in the first few months) also I use tommee tippee bottles which she preferred to other brands.

We had something similar and had an improvement swapping to size 2 teats 😊

I found the teat size made a huge difference when my daughter started messing around on bottles. The also have a change in their natural suck reaction at this age which can cause a bit of a feeding aversion whilst they essentially learn to suck properly again x

I find mam teats are the best! My babies struggled with other teats. Maybe worth a try changing brand of bottle x

Either flow, or just a regression, I know mine went through one around the same time, lasted two weeks, was so annoying, but once she started eating properly again she took even more formula x

Sometimes he’s taking the full amount and other times he’s not. I think he is definitely teething I’m going to give another flow a try thank you x

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