Totally normal newborn and right into childhood behaviour :) definitely tiring though!
I co slept with my first from 3-15 weeks and any attempt to get him back into his crib before this just resulted in a night of no sleep for me 😅 co sleeping worked for us and he went back into his crib pretty easily at 15 weeks when he was clearly a bit more ready to sleep alone! My newborn is co sleeping too and has done pretty much from coming home. The next to me is just a very expensive bed rail at this point 🤣
Yeah totally nornal newborn behaviour
I have no advice because everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked but just wanted to say I’m right there with you 🫠 my daughter is 4 weeks old as well and will not go to sleep in her moses basket or next to me crib and will only co sleep if she’s right next to me as well and most the time has to have her head on my arm, it’s very tiring 😅 x