At a Loss

Hello my baby is now 14 months and I suffered horrible PPD starting right after she was born. I am still struggling and feel it will never get better at this point. I see a therapist and a psychiatrist though it does not seem to be helping. I am a single mother but her father is very supportive and does great with her. Starting 2 weeks after she was born I felt like I just wanted to runaway. I still feel like this and at times when she goes to her fathers I think about doing it. I love her so much I truly do but ever since I had her I haven’t been the same person. I use to be a very happy and free spirited person. Now everything just frustrates me. She is sick all the time and always has ear infections. When she’s not sick she’s teething. I feel like she never sleeps. Everyone talks about how she’s such a good and happy baby. Which she is so it makes me wonder why I can’t just be a happy mom for her. Seeing others so happy to be a mother truly makes me think I was never meant to be a mom. I am truly at a loss at this point.
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Take care of yourself. Do self care things to love yourself. Postpartum is hard. Do the things you love to do so you can fill your cup and be that happy mum. As a mum, we alll pour to our babies even when our cup is empty. But now that she’s over, can start walking, talking soon? You might find it more easier. You’ve got out of the first year which must have been hard when you look back? I hope it’ll get better for you. Have daily showers and put more effort in yourself and you’ll feel better xx

@Zahra that’s such a lovely reply x

Yeah girl my boy is 14months and i still feel the same. Some weeks/months are good but i have BPD and mentally things pile up and i crash out. I think we are still transitioning. Having a baby human basically attached to your hip 24/7 will make you nuts. I think you should find healthy hobby for yourself, ppd is hard i know babe. Just know youre not alone

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