Any toothpaste with Nano Hydroxyapatite is a good toothpaste for you to use. If you want fluoride free. Also flossing is very important. That’s what my dentist told me. He said half the cavities I have I would if I flossed. It’s really given me so issues… It could also be that she had celiac disease, or too much acidic foods which just damn near destroy the enamel. After eating citrus, a good water rinse does wonders. Never let acidic food sit on the teeth.
My daughters teeth rotted right off the bat of growing in she had to get her 4 top teeth pulled and four caps in the back… I’m sorry that’s happened Just saw this video!! Check it out! I think her son is around the same age!!
Dental mom here- there are no at home remedies to treat cavities. Oil pulling helps prevent the formation of cavities, but does not reverse the damage. There are alternative toothpastes out there- ask your dentist about MI Paste, that’s what I use on my toddlers. Cocoshine also makes an effective fluoride alternative toothpaste and PFAS free floss
First off…. Get a second opinion before you let that dentist pull ANYTHING!! Kids typically have VERY good insurance and I feel some dentist and doctors take advantage of that. Secondly… here are some toothpaste. She’s too young for an oil pull… I feel like she might swallow it, which would be very bad. But these should help.¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACwyIr3q0E_TSmIOU-812ElrpERPa&gclid=CjwKCAiA7Y28BhAnEiwAAdOJUMBRoNQl9Oj9_QI_v-WS95AxokW-Eb9u-CkIjnE-y2LXrKcwfUxMJRoCSqwQAvD_BwE