Potty training advice.

My 3-year-old is in early childhood education so we started potty training and he is sent to school in underwear. He goes to the bathroom and pees but he refuses to poop in the toilet and would hold it until he comes home from school and I put a diaper On. It comes to the point he constipated himself. He refuses to sit on the toilet to poop no matter how many stickers and popsicles I reward him with. Any advice? On how to get him to poop in the toilet
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A lot of adults will not poop in public spaces so it could be related to that. I got rid of diapers completely and mine ran around naked for a week. He pooped on the floor twice but learned in the week to get to the toilet so he’d have no mess. Try getting rid of the diapers completely, even at night, he can’t know they are any in the house. And it’ll be a few messes but eventually he’ll get it.

@Alexandria he won’t even use the toilet to poop at home only to pee and he holds it until he gets a diaper on . I tried the naked method the only underwear method he refuses to poop if it’s not with a diaper.

Dang. I’d still not give him a diaper though. He will eventually break and either let it out wherever he is or eventually use the potty. As long as he’s not holding it in more than three days then he should be okay. If it is all too stressful for him then maybe take a break and revisit this in a couple weeks with him.

Try a training potty with a diaper in it. Or practice him sitting on the potty with a diaper on to poop. No rewards. Just your undivided, calm, patient attention 🤍 this is clearly a big struggle to him. He needs to be seen and heard. Have an open honest conversation with him about “how important it is to poop when our body needs to. And that at school/daycare there is a place for him to poop. At school it can’t be in our pants and needs to be on the potty. I know you are comfortable going in a diaper so at home we will work on this to help you feel calm and relaxed about pooping. We love you so much honey and we will work through this together 🤍” sometimes kids just need to be seen heard acknowledged and given an explanation 🥰 would love an update one how he’s doing!

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