I never had any inaccurate pregnancy tests yet. I think some are just better at picking up the hormone earlier. The very first test I ever took was a dollar tree test and it was positive, right around the time when my period was supposed to come.
Was right for me, all 3 times! Even picked up super early with my 3rd. I hadn't had a missed period yet. I thought it was playing tricks on me until I confirmed with a digital.
I took them with all my kids and they were accurate for me
There just as accurate as the pricier ones honestly
I used them on all my pregnancies. Worked great and let me know early
Pretty damn accurate lol it detected I was pregnant when I was only 2 maybe 3 weeks went in for a ultrasound and they were like yea come back it’s way to early to see anything
Every time I got pregnant and took one of the Dollar Tree Pregnancy Tests they were always accurate.
Very accurate.
Both were dollar tree brand lol and were accurate
I feel they’re better than the expense ones lol
Yes! Those are actually the ones hospitals use. Not sticks you pee on, but the dropper method!
Me that’s how I found out I was pregnant
Worked for me with my first pregnancy but I was also already 15 weeks pregnant lol
Very accurate! I've popped positives BEFORE my missed period lol 😆
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
@Daysha how early?! Im 10 days away from my period and want to test already😂😩
@Nicolette 10 days actually!!! That's when I got my positive!
Better than the expensive ones in my experience
Yes I used them both my pregnancies and they were accurate! Work just as good as the ones at other stores