@Lily awesome, we’re travelling with our 3 month old soon abroad again and I would rather not buy the carrycot as I already got a Joolz Day. Just not sure if he will be nervous to be world facing 😅
We took ours away with our 10 week old. So handy to be able to take on the plane and it really is so easy to use. He was so happy in there. You can undo the zip for a half tilt back and then there’s a buckle you undo for a full recline. We kept talking about what a good purchase it was!
I also got a snuz shade that went over the top (we went somewhere really hot and sunny) and that helped him sleep because we could shut the world away from him!
@Lily that’s great to know! He’s also a tall baby, 62 cm at 11 weeks so I think we should be good. You got the rain cover too?
Yes the rain cover comes with it!
I do! It’s brilliant and does fully recline 😁 sooo easy to get up and down