Husband is dying his hair 🤧

My husband has that salt and pepper thing going that I thoroughly enjoy. Today I discovered a box of hair dye!!! He plans on dying it!!! I’m devastated. I am very pregnant and realize I’m probably being hormonal but every time I think about it I just wanna cry 😢. He’s tired of people asking if he’s stressed or thinking he’s older. So a part of me wants him to do whatever will help his self esteem (he has never done anything like this before ). But I’ve always loved that salt and pepper hair and beard 😩
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Just let him know you love it but at the end of the day I guess it’s his choice 🤷‍♀️ I can imagine if it was the other way round you probably wouldn’t like him telling you what to do with your hair

@Liv he has dark hair with grey flecks coming through, hence the salt and pepper look.

I love salt n pepper hair on fucking anybody. I beg my mom everytime I see her let her grays grow in ! I cannot wait to see if my hair does what my moms does (:

His hair his choice Have you told him how much you love his hair?

@Emily exactly, my only hard rule is don’t shave the beard off completely and his only hard rule is dont shave my head completely (established before the wedding 🤣). No rules otherwise and nothing about hair dye. I just love that grey! Didn’t realize how much until I saw that box of dye

@Ella I’m very affectionate and tell him all the stuff I love often, I help with his hair cuts and often gush about the color…. But I gush about a lot of things so maybe it doesn’t have the same effect idk

@Parker 又 yes my mother has this pure white streak down the middle and she hates it!! I think she looks like a super hero but she insists she looks like a skunk and dyes it. I’ve had greys since high school and refuse to change it but.. people have the right to do whatever (even if they’re wrong 😑 😝)

Just tell him how much you love it and try and give him a confidence boost! 🩷

@Brittany see!! The men are being selfish and rebellious 😆

I wanted to dye my hair but have found multiple greys hiding below the surface. So I've been battling with myself if I wanna dye it or not. Part of me wants my sexy dyed not natural red hair and the other part wants to see how the grey comes in to see if I look cool. Haha. So who knows how long he's been hiding that hair dye box and battling himself with dying it or not. Just be supportive. Tell him you love the way he is naturally and he shouldn't let other people's comments effect him, but you do understand he has feelings and his feelings are validated and that if he chooses to dye his hair now he can. ....... But also, won't people notice? Id be embarrassed to have tons of people ask me and then I dye it and people notice. He might feel shamed for looking older. Just comfort him and be supportive. I would be supportive to my husband when his hair starts turning grey. But also, if he dyed it after a bunch of people he sees normally comments on it, then I'd tell him that they're gonna notice. And they

Might comment on how he dyed his hair.

My husband got sad when I cut my hair, but ultimately it’s my head lmao. He got used to the shorter hair. I think you’ll get used to the dyed hair, it’ll just take a second. It’ll wash out/ grow out! Just tell him how much you like it, maybe it’ll change his mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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