In theory as soon as they have teeth I’ve never taken my son he got his first teeth at 5 months and now has 12 teeth but speaking to others have older kids they said they didn’t really feel it was necessary until 2ish and I brush my sons teeth twice a day so unless there’s an issue I’ll wait a bit longer. I don’t go as I don’t have any issues (I went once when pregnant as hadn’t been in 9 years and they said my teeth were perfect) so I can’t take him in for that x
We have an appointment this month so he has one too. Can’t imagine they will do much but it’s just to get him used to it
As soon as they have teeth! It's more to get them used to going than for any actual treatment. My LO comes with me every 6 months. He sits on my lap and the dentist just had a look in his mouth then gave him a sticker x