My little girl, who loved her milk, dropped her day bottle pretty quickly once she started nursery because I think they’re too distracted to have it anyway. So i’d send him in with what he normally has and then you might find he stops having a feed in the day altogether x
@Ade morning, any to be honest just wanting to gauge what people do milk wise
I'll be sending my lo with 2 portions of formula. At least to start with. I have lots of vreast milk frozen but I prefer to potentially waste formula rather than my milk. I got a formula container the other day in Aldi and plan to use this
@Shenel OK thank you. Now he's eating he doesn't seem to demand milk anymore or have a care for it. The other day he went 6 hours without a feed and I fed him because my boobs were so full and sore! So in 2 months he might not even want it!
@Dragon mummy ok good to know and yes good idea.
@Shelly I just send them a tin of milk. When it's almost finished they always let me know so I can bring another.
@Ade OK thank you
At the start, I'll probably send in whatever I can pump between ebf the couple days before. Then that first day I'll pump a couple times for the next day and so on. If after a few days we notice she doesn't drink it then I'll send a couple oz over what she normally drinks there and freeze the rest. I do have some in the freezer but it'll be over 6 months old by then so I won't be able to send it! I go back to work after her first week and I'll pump what I can there.
I don’t intend on using formula after 1 so she’d just need offered cows milk instead.
My is almost 10 months she usually has 3 bottles ( 2 in the day) and at nursery she is not bothered at all by it and won’t have it. I just send one in now just incase.
Do u mean formula or expressed milk