Anyone's toddler dislike breakfast?

He usually wakes up between 6.30 and 7. I won't try him with breakfast until about 8 because he will just refuse. Then he will maybe have a few spoonfuls and not want any more. I don't offer snack until 9.30, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. He just doesn't seem hungry in the mornings
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Does he have milk in the morning? If he does I’d reduce that or remove, what about letting him choose his cereal? Or toast etc

@Josie he has a small cup but if I try breakfast before, he still won't eat it Yes have tried that too!

Maybe he’s just not a breakfast child, my girl never ate a lot at any meals but has improved there’s definitely days where she eats less or some meals she won’t have much of

Same Sometimes she’ll want food or sometimes she wants milk

Not sure if it’s any help but I was always told to look at the week not the individual meal. Toddlers generally eat 2 meals a day - it’s our job to offer food, it’s their job to choose what to eat. My son will sometimes pick at breakfast, pick at lunch and then eat an astonishing amount at dinner. I think they’re so busy being a toddler and wanting to do more interesting things, unless they’re starving they’d just rather play. You got this mama x

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