Pregnant with my Rainbow Baby Fears

Hello ladies, I am pregnant with my rainbow baby, 2 months after I lost my first. I found out on Christmas Eve (12/24/24) via home test. I was wondering if anyone else has/had experienced fears or worries while pregnant the 2nd time around after a loss?? Please do not misunderstand me, I am very happy and excited that I’m pregnant but my body is not allowing me to feel those emotions like I did the first time around. My body feels like in a state of shock or numbness, almost like it doesn’t feel it’s real. I found out very early on so morning sickness has not fully kicked in yet. According to my app I’m 8wks however I began to bleed and landed in the hospital. They told me it was pretty normal and the sac was still there. I have an appointment this Thursday to see if the baby is ok, it will be my first official scan but I told my man that once we are passed the 9ths and 3days mark I don’t think my body will react since that is when I lost my baby. I just want to make sure everything is okay and that I have a viable pregnancy. I am so nervous but optimistic but not letting myself get too excited. As a result we haven’t shared the news until we are completely passed 9wks to be on the safe side since our families were so sad for us when we lost it and we didn’t want to put them through that again. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading this far.
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This is me, I'm pregnant with my rainbow baby too after a loss in October, I was constantly worried everytime I went toilet I was wiping (still am) to see if there was any blood, my friend told me to take small does of asprin to keep the pregnancy going so that's what I did, I took 1 tablet every 2 nights as I was afraid of mc, I'm now 10 weeks pregnant and everything is going on, try not to worry about it, what I did was convince my brain that I wasn't pregnant and I didn't know and just carried on as normal. If you bleed again the hospital should give you a dose of progesterone which is giving to you up your ....... and it helps keep the pregnancy too... Best of luck and Try not to worry xx

Stay off coffee too 🥰

I still haven't told anyone yet the safe time is past 12 weeks so iv another 2 weeks to go before I can tell anyone x

Ivf patients get offered this privately when ttc, its worked for me so far xx

I've not lost a pregnancy before, this is my first one. But I'm a very anxious person and I normally take anxiety meds that I can't take now that I'm pregnant. My anxiety has been WILD worrying about this pregnancy too. I'm 8 weeks as well and don't see my doctor until 10 weeks. I'm so worried about something happening, but I keep trying to remind myself that my worries won't change what happens. I'll keep you in my thoughts, and I'm sending all the good energy for a healthy and happy pregnancy your way!

I lost a pregnancy at around 7 or 8 weeks, and had bleeding at a similar time this pregnancy, they gave me progesterone to take daily up till 13 weeks or something. It was very hard near the start but I'mn managing to worry less now I'm feeling kicks. Hope your babies are healthy!

I had 2 miscarriages the 2nd one being twins and then an ectopic pregnancy after that when i say i was terrified when i got pregnant with my son I WAS PETRIFIED!!! It is completely normal to feel that way i could never let myself fully feel those emotions until he was put in my arms honestly cause i always felt like somehow someway with my luck something bad was going to happen it’s so hard to handle the emotions but know it is completely normal

Same. I got pregnant soon after a miscarriage. Luckily it all turned out well but I was nervous the entire pregnancy and didn’t enjoy it as much as I wish could’ve. My advice would be once you make it your 2nd trimester try to relax a little but don’t get hard on yourself if your can’t.❤️

100% me too, we lost our baby September 2023 but then I got pregnant 3 months later, when I found out I was pregnant again I was anxious and my anxiety went through the roof for about 2/3 weeks until I had scan, but for every scan after that days before I would be so nervous but then reassured when they said everything was ok, this happened throughout until i felt kicks It’s amazing experience but also scary when the first time didn’t go to plan, if you’re ever unsure, go for a scan or when you feel kicks it’s much better! My boy is now 4 months old xx

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