MIL ignored me from the day I got home from hospital

I have always had a good relationship with my MIL, but I knew there may be issues once my baby was born as she has different cultural expectations as she isn't originally from the UK (for instance, being hands on with the care of the baby). She came to stay with us 2 weeks prior to me giving birth. A few things happened that I really wasn't happy with: * I got given loads of lovely secondhand baby clothes. She bagged them up and tried to throw them away as in her head, her grandchild shouldn't be wearing secondhand clothes. My husband intervened but this really upset me. * We told her 6 months ago, and 3 days prior to me going into hospital that we needed us space to look after our baby, and although she could stay with us prior to the birth, we wanted to the first few weeks to be just us two (she lives aboard). Both times this didn't go down well and I could tell she thought we would change our minds. * Despite my husband telling her not to (and other family members telling her) she turned up outside my hospital cubicle when into active labour and was about to be transferred to the labour ward. My husband got cross with her, which upset her. I had a not great birth - almost 2 days of contractions from an induction which resulted in an emergency c section. When we got home, (she was there, waiting) she didn't ask me how I was doing and completely ignored me. This then happened on 4 more occasions, where she essentially acted like I wasn't in the room. My husband had a conversation with her, she said she would try with me, but last night she ignored me again. I decided that I wasn't going to be in the same room as her if she was going to treat me so badly, so I took my baby, explained exactly that, which resulted in a big argument. She essentially blames me for putting in boundaries like the no hospital visitors and not staying with us for the newborn stage (this was a joint decision made by both me and my husband). She says my husband would have never have said that. Anyway, it was getting pretty ugly even after a minute of this argument, so I went upstairs with my baby. She then lost it - screaming and shouting. At this point I realised she must be going through something mental health related. The family managed to calm her down, a d it turns out she's depressed and feels suicidal. I feel bad for her - but what she has put me though these last 2 weeks can't be completely excused by mental issues. I also still think she blames me overall. We've agreed to leave it until we see her again in 6 months. But I feel so hurt, that she would her needs above mine and her son's at such an important and vulnerable time. I know things will calm down, but I can't be in her presence again unless her behaviour has truly changed. Does anyone have any thoughts or similar experiences?
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Being depressed and suicidal is not a reason to scream and shout at a mother who’s just gone through birth and especially a c section. She needs to sort her shit out x

Absolutely not. If she’s depressed and suicidal she should be sorting her issues out, not coming back and staying with you 6 months later. Mental health issues are not a reason to be awful to the people around you, especially a newly post partum mother.

She sounds like a narcissist who wants to make everything about herself, that’s why her being “suicidal” has to be more important than you being in c-section recovery.

Although my research is in mental health, your mother in law is depicting signs of more problematic behaviours based on control/cultural norms of putting a daughter in law in her place as opposed to mental health issues.. No one has a right to make you feel that way without your permission. In 6 months, you do what is best for your family. Stand firm mama 🫶🏻

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