My other top tip is making them their dads problem at any given convenience 😂
@Jess it’s so nice to hear others in the same boat😩xx
My little boy is currently running away from me screaming that he wants to go outside. I keep telling him if he puts his socks and wellies on he can go outside but he won't let me. He also keeps opening the cupboard where the squash is and getting it out asking for juice. I've shown him his cup which is on the table and he refuses to accept that there is juice in it. Also everything is "mine" at the moment 🙄
We are having allll the tantrums at the moment! Our son has a fair bit of language but tends to just repeat his demands louder and louder before barking at us and crying if he doesn't get his own way. He also loses it over a small thing and then everything else is awful too...yesterday, he stubbed his toe and that was it for the rest of the morning, nothing was right! We try to reassure him and hug him to calm him down or distract him with different options, which will mostly work but sometimes it takes a lonnnnggg time!
I think with her not talking but at an age were she probably wants to it could be down to frustration that she cant communicate and hopefully this will pass espically when she learns a few more words / phrases. Have you tried those cards that have pics and words on to try help her learn some new words? This is a complete guess anyway but could help! Also when you can… defo try to get some time to your self in the evening when dads home or his day off. Go get your nails done or something for you that you like to do. I find that helps me to have a bit of time away here and there xx
First of all- I’m really really sorry and totally understand you. My 2 yo daughter is a ball of fire. She refuses to sleep, to nap at home and in the nursery. It’s impossible to get what she wants. She says: apple, I give it to her and a second later: NOOOOOOO She doesn’t want to listen. She screams all the time. And in the nursery she’s the only child who doesn’t nap, waking up others 🫣🫠🙄 I hug you and support you girl 🫂
Omg going through this x2 with my twin girls now! It’s absolutely wild, I’ve never experienced anything like this 🤣 there’s probably about an hour total in the day they aren’t screaming or fighting about something. My girls are really good talkers, they speak in full sentences and can pretty much ask for anything they want so I honestly don’t even think it’s the speech thing, they get worked up and no amount of reasoning or asking them to use their words calms them down 😅
Were in the same boat! I know it's completely normal at their age but fucking hell it's hard 🥲 they just have such big feelings that they don't understand and they're not able to communicate it very well. Just make sure you're making time for yourself and don't loose your cool just support and redirect their behaviour ((i know it's hard)) my LG threw a monster tantrum at me for giving her a fruit shoot instead of water in her peppa bottle yesterday I just sat with her till she calmed down a tad and we spoke about it and had a hug xx