I was told at 20w scan his femur was measuring small but they were not worried. Scans after always showed femur being smaller but nobody ever said anything (I just worried!) Baby is really well proportioned (& currently 76th centile for height at 3.5 months old)
Yep! Had this the whole way through my first pregnancy to the point they told us he would have very short legs. He came out a small 6lbs4oz baby that would fit into tiny/premature baby but had long legs that I had to buy everything footless and put socks on him. There was/is nothing wrong with him… so please don’t worry too much x
Thank you so much! I did the worst thing and googled. They have booked us in for frequent growth scans until baby is here just to keep an eye on it. Hoping if it is measuring correctly and is small that they’ve just got their daddy’s little legs!
Oh I’m a googler too… never good.Try not to worry too much. At least they are keeping an eye on baby. I had lots of different scares with my first, problem with liver, high umbilical cord pressure, short legs, big belly… baby turned out perfectly healthy as much as it’s scary try not to read too much in to things xx
I had this from 20 weeks to the point the femur went off the chart I was beside myself , I had already had a nipt test after a birth diagnosis with my second born ,,at 24 weeks I was in a state over the worry from the hospital and ended up having an amnio all was fine but he continued to measure off the scale , I was induced at 36 +5 weeks after the worry grew they estimated him at 3/4lbs he was both perfectly in proportion at 6lb 1oz it ruined my pregnancy so my advice would be to take these scans with a pinch of salt they aren’t always accurate , my little one is 13months and using those “small femurs” just fine 😅
sometimes things are hard to see on the ultrasounds so the measurements aren’t always the most accurate. try not to stress mama!
We had this and our baby is long and perfectly in proportion. I think these measurements are just estimates and if the baby moves in a certain way they aren’t very accurate