Atleast you weren't called fat and told that "your fat" was in the way and couldn't get a proper scan done ...this people are supposed to be professional I cried after my scan appointment that day ,they just don't care
As you said BMI is a load of BS to start with as it doesn’t account for muscle mass etc. You don’t have to get weighed or measured at all, everything is optional. The state of NHS maternity services is a joke at present. They desperately try and label everyone high risk so they can profit from inductions/ c- sections etc. If you have the money find yourself a Doula. It was the BEST decision I ever made and had the most beautiful home birth earlier this year. They tried sticking me on meds at 36wks for high BP but I get white coat syndrome so told them politely where to go 😅 x
@Hol it is, isn't it! I wasn't sure if it was just me overreacting. As you said, it makes more sense if you've had to have a c section but to already tell me I need them when I feel genuinely really fit and healthy? Ugh! Anyway I'm sorry you hated having to do them. Yes I'm tempted to request to change midwife but not sure I can be bothered!
@Sorcha what?? That's disgusting, how can they talk to people like that? I'm so sorry you experienced this, i hope you complained?
@Jessica yes im starting to come round to this thinking. I want to love and believe in the NHS so much but it's in such a state. I've had a low risk pregnancy throughout, I didn't even have morning sickness or any symptoms at all, I've felt pretty normal the whole time so far so it just feels like she's clutching at straws trying to find something negative. I've felt so lucky and privileged to have found pregnancy so easy as I know so many don't, but she's put a real downer on it. I know it's BS but it's beside the point. Good for you telling them where to go! I think I might look into a doula, they sound amazing.
This sounds really strange I would actually see if you can speak to a different midwife and her their opinion. I’ve never heard this from friends who had a high BMI at the start let alone someone in your shoes! Maybe it was her first day and she just doesn’t have a clue?!
@Kathryn I'm glad I'm not going mad in this ... it is strange, right? She's the same midwife I've had the whole way through and she knows I'm active etc and was the one who weighed me in the first place! And as far as I know she's quite experienced. It's like she was just in robot mode and going off a chart rather than a human/using common sense!
This is nonsensical! They don’t even have any requirements to weigh you again after booking for 1. Especially if you are low risk and within normal ranges at booking. Also high bmi is not the risk factor she is trying to make it out to be! They often try to change your birth plans through bmi but there’s no reason you can’t birth how you want! I’d be calling PALS personally and also requesting a different midwife.
You sound exactly like me, no sickness, luckily a breeze and low-risk throughout. These Queens are ones to follow if you have Instagram. Naked Doula Dr Sara Wickman Dr Rachel Reed Kemi Birth Joy Johnson (she does a power half hour for £55 or an hour for £110 and you can ask her ANYTHING and she’ll give you the actual facts and stats - THE birth Guru) Get yourself clued up about everything it’s so worth it and Doulas are advocates, they hold space and ensure you get a beautiful, informed birth you deserve ♥️
@Lauren yes it's ridiculous isn't it. I'm really glad I made this post now as I feel reassured. Just had to look up what PALS is... think I'll get in touch.
@Jessica so frustrating having such a lovely pregnancy and then her trying to being me down! Glad you experienced a nice easy one too. Amazing, thanks for these, I've heard of a few but not all so following them in instagram now! I'm really trying to educate myself through women like them, doing hypnobirthing etc and take what midwife/hospital say with a pinch of salt.
My midwife did tell me I'd need socks and injections after birth due to high BMI, but I already knew I had a high BMI, and she was just letting me know the process so I knew what to expect, so whilst I understand the need for them to tell you, the way she has done it is so horrible, of course it's normal AND HEALTHY to put weight on during pregnancy 😔
Everything crossed you get the birth you deserve and remember how much of an absolute Queen and Goddess you are! We’re designed for this, don’t let anyone interfere, steer as far away from sweeps and inductions as you can, let your baby and body decide when you’ll labour and birth ♥️
@Jessica They weighed me twice. The weighing at the end is so they know how to dose you if there's an emergency and you need a cesarean. Bit stupid to let them anaesthetise you blind. The NHS does not profit from inductions that's just bloody stupid. If it made profits it wouldn't be in such an underfunded state. Not taking medication for high BP in pregnancy is stupid. It nearly killed my mother during her birth with me. I just asked my midwife not to tell me my weight.
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BMI was not designed for pregnancy at all! Don’t listen to her and maybe even put a complaint in I don’t know why they weighed you! I was weighed at my booking appointment and then my c section date and that’s it!
Errmmm as someone who's had a high BMI from the start that's is so wrong my midwife has said nothing about thinners or stockings, when I bring it up she says "it doesn't effect anything so don't worry" not sure what she's doing but I would complain xxxx
@Em yeah I was a bit shocked to be weighed again (and assumed it would be fine when she did because I feel so good and don't feel like I've gained any more than is normal/necessary). Lots of people have said complain now so I think I will!
@Hollie Marie yeah based in what everyone's saying i think I will complain! Yeah I swear BMI isn't really that big of a deal unless it's really really high? Ugh!
With my first I got shamed by the midwife for having put on too much weight at my second appointment (who was a locum) and then my midwife came back and it turned out it was because I’d swapped scales. With my second l was a little more overweight and needed blood thinners, this wasn’t mentioned until my hospital discharge and when the community midwife’s came I queried it and I had a score of 2, one for my bmi and one for my age…. From the sound of things most women get the blood thinners for one reason or another!
@Bethan 🤣🤣🤣 oh you have zero idea. If each trust can demonstrate that they’ve administered ‘x’ amount of inductions, c-sections etc they get a bigger stake of the money that’s available, so they’re all competing. I didn’t, and don’t have high BP as stated, I get white coat syndrome, please learn how to read.
@Jessica that's funding. That's not profit.
@Bethan Made you think though didn’t I 😉
Thats awful, i was sent home with blood thinners but I presumed that was because of the c section. My bmi was high through pregnancy which i would think is normal i was never told that i would need them after because of this. I knew if I had a section I proberly would which i ended up emergency section so had the thinners for 10days after hated them! Can you change your midwife?