I have it too! I’m on aspirin and having extra grows scans too x
I do. I'm already taking aspirin and booked in for extra scans due to high blood pressure in my last pregnancy. When the midwife explained it to me, I'm sure I had it with my first baby too.
I had it in my first pregnancy, I was taking daily aspirin and had extra growth scans and monitoring due to being at risk of preeclampsia, my son was born with low birth weight (3lb 9oz) , and I had to be induced.
i had it but nobody told me i should’ve been taking aspirin until i was half way through my pregnancy!!! i was so pissed. but a lot of my placenta was calcified when my daughter was born and she never thrived in the womb because my placenta wasn’t giving her enough nutrients. it was just rubbish really. just take those aspirins and take care of yourself
@Kelly i am also convinced i had it with my first too or i was borderline after looking at the side effects. My first was born on the 12th centile and i was in constantly for reduced movements and from this had regular growth scans from 32 weeks. The midwife explained to me yesterday that they have to have a number above 4 and mine is just below so i’m wondering if i was just above that number and still experiencing side effects
@Leolie sounds similar. We're just below 4 this time. The midwife did say it's not routinely checked and that a lot of people are probably walking around without knowing. I found out when the midwife informed me I had low PAPP A that my first was actually born on the 8th or 6th percentile, which I was never actually told.
Hey, yes I have been advised I have low Papp-A too. I had no idea this was a thing so it was a surprise! I'm taking daily aspirin now, and have been told more screenings and scans will happen. I'm glad to have the extra scans and am reassured by that. I don't have much advice, but am going to ask lots of questions to my midwife about it!