Thank you for your encouraging words. I needed that! I also needed to hear to take a rest. I think I burn myself out for sure.
@Brittany yeah, burn out will absolutely make it a million times worse. To the point you can't even think of good solutions lol. I always think of it this way. When an airplane is going down, they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on FIRST before helping others. You're of no help to others otherwise. Doesn't mean baby isn't a priority. But to care for your baby the best way possible, YOU need to take care of yourself aswell and not slack on your needs. You BOTH will benefit this way. Glad I could help!
I’m a stay at home mom to 21 months old twin girls! More times than most I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s not easy but I know I do my best. Handling two babies at the same time can be so frustrating. So don’t be so hard on yourself, take one moment at a time!
As a mother of 6. Girl, take a deep breath and know that you're not alone. That stage is HARD. You're trying what you know to make it work, and i can tell you obviously care, GOOD moms do that. Bad moms don't give a crap. You're a GOOD mom. This is just a stage where you and your daughter are learning together. Keep trying different things to see what fits for her (since all kids are different). And know that sometimes, nothing is gonna work, and she's gonna have to go through her moment while knowing mommy is right there. This season will pass. And honestly, if you need a break and you don't have someone to take over for you for a bit. When she's taking a nap or in bed, or in a safe place, be easy on yourself and do some self care and take some time to take deep breaths. DON'T do chores. Those can wait for a moment. Take care of yourself and your mental health when you can. it's a priority too!. When you're mentally healthy, you're better equipped to handle her moments when she's stuggling with her feelings.