Does she have any kids herself? Maybe it’s a classic case of her just feeling like she doesn’t fit in with your life anymore despite you trying to include her? If she struggles with fertility maybe it’s too much for her and she’s alittle jealous of your life. Not making excuses for her as I don’t know her but maybe there’s more to it xxx
Well I wouldn’t even know what she’s going through because she never tells me anything. She moved 30 minutes away like 2-3 years ago and kinda forgot we existed I feel like: I know people go through things but everytime I try talking to her I barely get anything back in response from her. And I mean of course I care about this situation because she’s my first borns godmother but she hasn’t even reached out about him or anything. And I’m at the point of saying “why even let it effect me anymore” @@Bela @@sarahno she doesn’t have any kids, she’s just living her life with her boyfriend: Which is great: good for her: but still kinda sucks
Friendships are complex, I agree with your other friend who said you should have a conversation with her. You obviously care. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken the time to write this post. Oftentimes, people go through things that make them take a step back or isolate until the storm passes. When I was going through the trauma of a miscarriage and infertility, I went into my cocoon and barely responded to people when they reached out. It wasn't personal, I just couldn't do it, didn't have the energy to do it. Depression and anxiety change people. I'm not saying that that's what is going on with your friend, but it's just a different perspective.