Yes mine has a bit of a bald patch at the back. My first baby had this too - once they start trying to roll it’s very common. Mine were both born with lots of hair which does make it more noticeable but it’s 100% not neglect so don’t stress, it grows back soon enough!
My little boy has the absolute worst mullet going on from where he sleeps on the side of his head 😂 it’s perfectly normal! All my friends with babies at this age have weird little bald patches currently 😂
Yes mine too!
Ok, wait. How is your baby sleeping through the night? 💀 need those tips asap LOL what does her schedule look like ?
@Jesslyn I'm sorry but I don't have any tips 😂 After her 8 weeks jabs, she dropped from 6 bottles a day to 5. After a few days of experimenting with timings and such, I realised if she has 1 MOTN feed, and 4 bottles during the day, she will sleep from 8pm until roughly 3am (sometimes 4am). At that time she will have a bottle, and then settle back down until any time between 0630 - 0730! Our schedule is roughly: Wake up at 7ish Bottle at 8am Nap at 0830ish Wake up at 11 Bottle at 12 Nap at 12:30ish Wake up at 2:30pm Bottle at 15:30ish Asleep by 4:30ish Wake up at 6pm Start bedtime routine at 7pm Asleep by 8pm MOTN bottle between 3&4am (which is why she doesn't get a bottle as soon as she wakes up. She isn't hungry at first) If every day could be like what I've said above, it would be perfect😂 However today she decided to have a 3 hour wake window this afternoon, which led to a 30min nap and a very cranky baby at bed time! I can feel the next sleep regression looming though😭😂
@Jesslyn I realised when she was about 4weeks old that she went for her "long sleep" around midnight/1am. I started doing a simple bedtime routine before her long sleep to get her associated with bedtime. After a week or so, I started to bring "bedtime" forward until 7pm (it was a lot of messing around with feeds and everything else but it worked). At that time, she was still waking for 2 MOTN feeds until her 8 week jabs when she dropped one. I think in the last 6 weeks (she is 14weeks now), she has only had maybe 5 nights where she has woken up for 2 feeds. All the rest have been just 1 feed. I don't know if it's what I've done or just luck of the draw but I'm not complaining at all and absolutely proud of us both😎
She's also started sleeping through the night (11hrs with 1 wake up) So she's spending a lot more time in the crib as well