Anyone else's baby losing hair?

Hi mamas! My baby is losing hair at the back of her head. NHS states this is totally normal as they gain more mobility with their neck/head, but I can't help but feel like I've neglected her😭 She was born with a full head of hair and everyone comments on it (and then can't believe I had no heartburn😂) Had anyone else's baby started to lose some hair?
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She's also started sleeping through the night (11hrs with 1 wake up) So she's spending a lot more time in the crib as well

Yes mine has a bit of a bald patch at the back. My first baby had this too - once they start trying to roll it’s very common. Mine were both born with lots of hair which does make it more noticeable but it’s 100% not neglect so don’t stress, it grows back soon enough!

My little boy has the absolute worst mullet going on from where he sleeps on the side of his head 😂 it’s perfectly normal! All my friends with babies at this age have weird little bald patches currently 😂

Yes mine too!

Ok, wait. How is your baby sleeping through the night? 💀 need those tips asap LOL what does her schedule look like ?

@Jesslyn I'm sorry but I don't have any tips 😂 After her 8 weeks jabs, she dropped from 6 bottles a day to 5. After a few days of experimenting with timings and such, I realised if she has 1 MOTN feed, and 4 bottles during the day, she will sleep from 8pm until roughly 3am (sometimes 4am). At that time she will have a bottle, and then settle back down until any time between 0630 - 0730! Our schedule is roughly: Wake up at 7ish Bottle at 8am Nap at 0830ish Wake up at 11 Bottle at 12 Nap at 12:30ish Wake up at 2:30pm Bottle at 15:30ish Asleep by 4:30ish Wake up at 6pm Start bedtime routine at 7pm Asleep by 8pm MOTN bottle between 3&4am (which is why she doesn't get a bottle as soon as she wakes up. She isn't hungry at first) If every day could be like what I've said above, it would be perfect😂 However today she decided to have a 3 hour wake window this afternoon, which led to a 30min nap and a very cranky baby at bed time! I can feel the next sleep regression looming though😭😂

@Jesslyn I realised when she was about 4weeks old that she went for her "long sleep" around midnight/1am. I started doing a simple bedtime routine before her long sleep to get her associated with bedtime. After a week or so, I started to bring "bedtime" forward until 7pm (it was a lot of messing around with feeds and everything else but it worked). At that time, she was still waking for 2 MOTN feeds until her 8 week jabs when she dropped one. I think in the last 6 weeks (she is 14weeks now), she has only had maybe 5 nights where she has woken up for 2 feeds. All the rest have been just 1 feed. I don't know if it's what I've done or just luck of the draw but I'm not complaining at all and absolutely proud of us both😎

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