Can your 7 year old tie their own shoes?

Super curious if yours can My daughter gets the concept but struggles actually doing it and is also in her end of the world if she can't get it phase 🥲
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Yes, my daughter was able to do it by the time she was five. When I taught first grade, all six and a few 7-year-olds, almost all of them knew how to do it. But there were a few that took a little bit longer to learn. of course it's good to know Milestone in general goals, but try not to compare your daughter - every kid goes at their own pace, I'm sure she'll get it before you know! Just keep practicing :)

Mine tries lol but he’s a boy so it doesn’t really bother him. I know when my daughters were younger they had to get theirs right also.

Yes I learned a trick on TikTok. Stick the ends of the shoe lace in the lace holes and make a bow then tie it and then pull the shoe laces back out of the lace hole and it's tied. Hopefully that makes sense!

@Kimberly same here 😂 he’d rather let them dangle than care to tie them himself

No, I tried teaching her, but she wasn't having it. It was only a few times, though. I just had another baby almost 2 months ago, so it's been kind of hectic. I try not to compare her bc she's smart but isn't interested in this rn.

No, but it’s on our list to learn!

@Jen same here!

Not yet. I need to start teaching this skill like yesterday.

Mine can get hers fairly well knotted better than anyone I've ever seen! Lol were still working on it

My son struggles too and doesn't care to practice. He frequently rocks velcro or slip-ons. He comes by it honestly though because I remember being among the last of my peers to learn how to tie my shoes and was notorious for having my laces come untied, especially on the softball field at little league 😂

Yes mine knew since 5 but you have to show them

My daughter somewhat gets it. She still struggles a little. We just keep practicing.

@Kalina I saw that, it should help kids looks simple.

My girls did @ like 4 they were determined as for my boys naw my oldest he learned @ 7. It varies and also it’s different ways I see kids learn so may need to find the way that is best.

I always have her try and practice but her fingers just don't want to do it 😓 she mostly wears elastic shoes since when she does wear laces somehow they explode by the time she's home form school My husband and I both do it differently and both ways she has troubles but thank yall for the answers!

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@Samantha look for that tik tok the mom mentioned above. It may help

I found that once we got longer laces it helped my son learn quicker

Girl, my son is struggling with this. I’ve been wondering if he is behind on this or not too so I’m glad you asked 😭 idk why but it makes me feel bad that he doesn’t know

No my daughter can’t tie her own shoes. We have tried to have her tie them but she gets lost when it is tine to tie the bow. I taught myself the wrong way and would like her to learn the correct way but my husband is a horrible teacher.

The only reason my daughter can tie her shoes is because of dance! Her tap and hip hop teachers spent time teaching the class. She struggled when I tried to teach her in the beginning of the year.

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