@Rachel my previous c section scar is very painful, raised and changed colour so my midwife is worried that it will rupture during labour which is why I have opted for a planned one this time. 2 more weeks is such a long time when in pain.
They normally do it in week 39. I was 39+4 for my elective.
@Kerri if your scar is raised and hurting id ring and tell them.. thats the first thing they always asked me when i went in towards the end of my pregnancy to get baby checked.
@Aqsa I have a midwife appointment on Thursday so I’ll mention it then. Thank you.
@Kerri definitely mention it but if it gets too painful i would ring maternity assessment just to get it looked at
@Aqsa thank you so much for your advice ☺️
@Kerri all you can do is phone your midwife & speak to her about your concerns hun x
I have my planned at 39 weeks
@Saffron good luck. I’m still waiting on a call to confirm date. Not sure how long it takes 🤔
They will want you to go as long as possible up to 40 weeks before getting baby out, but if you feel like you are at risk of going into labour before then, I would phone & speak to someone.