I feel you! This is my little boy too 😫 the tantrums are getting worse and worse! My little girl is 9 months and I feel like superwoman when I'm out with both but my toddler, obviously, has no understanding of embarrassment or danger so it can be very nerve-wracking when there is one of me, two of them and I'm out and about. At home, he hits, throws, shouts and screams, bites, throws himself on the floor etc. I just ignore until he is ready to calm down and then we cuddle and apologise, when and if he wants to. During the tantrum, if I try to cuddle or touch him, it gets worse, hence the reason I ignore (making sure he's safe of course)
This has just started for us, we had an "easy" 2 year old until last week now all hell has broken loose!
I’ve always had a more difficult one but atm it’s pure hell. Waking up at 4am last 3 nights shouting from the moment he gets up. It’s the wrong tv program the wrong breakfast the wrong juice. Anything for a shout and scream really. Me and my partner literally feel bullied at home haha clock watching till bed time. Please please let this pass. Definitely agree with no understanding of danger and embarrassment. I really feel I can’t take him anywhere! Even family members make comments - so hard to know the best way to deal with it. I’d love to start potting training but would be impossible atm x
This was me the last 2 days, Its soul destroying 😢 Mine was being such a terror in lidl he tried to throw a bottle of wine I just caught it in time
@Clare yeah my heart skipped a beat earlier my son threw a car and it missed the TV by a centimeter not even joking really couldn't deal with him breaking another TV
On days like these I feel like I'm on a toddler assault course. There's something every minute and you're just running from A to B like a maniac
I feel like I could have written this myself, except I have twins and they are both going through this at the moment. Once slightly worse than the other. I don’t have any words of wisdom but hope you can find some comfort in it not just being your child and the possibility of it being developmental at this age.