@Jessica my sons been offered 7 for a while now, he will drink anywhere between 6-7 oz and usually drinks 28-35 oz a day but he just completely refusing it . Yesterday he had 22.5 oz and the day before was 31! I just don’t know what to do I’m at a loss, he’s well in himself, no temperature, no symptoms of anything x
Poor little one 😓 could be he’s going through a leap, if he’s happy that’s good sign. maybe give it a few days and contact your health visitor 🥰
@Jessica thanks lovely we have vaccines due tomorrow and gp so hopefully they can help! Just so horrible. I’m offering milk every 3 hours as usual and he just fights me, I just don’t want him to starve 🥲
Mines doing about 28-32oz per day. I know he is getting fussier with his feeds so we just have to make sure he is really cuddled in and got those pesky hands out of the way ahha
Aww baby twins. Mine is the exact same and having jab tomorrow. She’s barely drank her milk today and has been quite upset and unsettled. I’m not got any words of wisdom, just know I am in a very similar position. You’re not alone! Xx
My little boy is 4 months and sometimes is really not into his milk, but other days drinks it really well! For instance today he’s been really off and not finished any bottles, but yesterday he finished nearly all of them! I offer 7 ounces because sometimes he drinks it all, but often will leave some. I say to myself he’s not a machine and maybe some days is just hungrier than others xx
Hey, just seen this post as I’m in a similar situation, has he gone back to normal feeds now?
My girl is 4 months tomorrow and has 6/6.5 oz 5 times a day. Usually adds up to anywhere between 28-33 ounces a day. X