My LB does three full days (8.30 - 4.30). He's tired in the evenings but has a great day, and I don't think they really have much concept of time at this stage so I think just do whatever works for you 😊
Thanks both ❤️ Great to hear! She absolutely loves nursery and goes in happily every time. Great to get some reassurance tho as just feels like a big jump x
My son started on 3 half days but I increased one to a full day for the same reason by Sept I’ll need to increase to 3 full days as they want us to start coming into the office more regularly just waiting for availability at the nursery my son loves it there he’s 14 months and started doing 1 full day just before Xmas. He’s gone from 2 to 1 nap a day now too which is better for his full day at nursery x
Hey Jay, yeah exactly the same as me, will be moving to 3 full days in the autumn anyhow. Also the same with my daughters nap, the day she goes in on an afternoon the start of nursery falls right on her nap so thinking dropping that and moving to a full day will make it easier. Glad he enjoys it so much! We have our first little parents evening soon, so excited and terrified at how quickly she is growing up 😭 x
My LB does 3 full days (did 2 days for the first month and then upped it one day). He absolutely loves it there. He eats well, seems to have loads of fun and he's built up a great relationship with his key worker x