Nothing wrong with pumping. Now you can see how many oz she is taking and hopefully get some longer stretches of sleep. 😴 I usually do tummy time on the couch before a feed. So I don’t get thrown up on.
Sending you hugs 🫂 you’re doing great
My baby is gaining very well between pumping and nursing. I usually nurse like 2 times a day to just keep it going but I like pumping and bottle feeding because I like to know how much he’s getting. He had lost a lot of weight between the hospital and his first appointment, so I understand the guilt. Additionally, my son does nothing but tummy time and is still in PT because of torticollis. It just happens! No need to feel guilty. My baby wasn’t super active in the womb, so I guess he’s just super tense on one side
@Megan thank you for this comment my girl was a squirmer but she never really kicked. That’s actually why I was induced was because of three failed nst and a failed bpp. They couldn’t find anything wrong with her but aired on the side of caution. She’s super chill and a great sleeper so she probably just got herself into a comfy position in there and really didn’t move out of it
@Rebekah I do really love that about it it’s just a lot sometimes. She’s always given us a 4 hour stretch at night now we get a 7 and 4 hour stretch back to back after a feed. I do her tummy time after only cause she doesn’t really spit up but when I burp her after a bottle it sounds like a grown man 😂
hey mama! I totally get it. You are doing great! PT isn’t a bad thing and some babies who do a lot of tummy time still have to go to PT. You are a great mom because a great mom wouldn’t worry if they’re doing a good enough job. ♥️