Tracking apps

What apps do you use to track ovulation and pregnancy? Looking for something other then grow and Premom
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I’m looking for a good one to track my BBT

I use Flo x

i used Flo and loved it. used for periods first, then ovulation, then for pregnancy!


My period I use Flo, ovulation sticks I use Premom, & pregnancy I used what to expect

Fertility friend is good especially if you do charting

I use clue, has several different modes, articles on premium too but I just have the free version. Very accurate for periods, ovulation and fertility window. First time I had sex in my “potentially fertile” window is when I conceived my baby. Always on time for periods and let’s you know how many days left on your period which has always been accurate. You can fill days out with mood, emotions, poop schedule, acne, hair, exercise, relaxation etc. Good overview of what was going on on what day and easy to look back on

There is a pregnancy section but I didn’t realise and used a different app instead. Pregnancy + which was excellent and free, loads of articles, info, places for appointments, measurements, baby tracking with sizes, visual of baby’s size and form with information on what grew or happened that week, hospital bag checklist, contraction timer, the lot basically. Then loved over to their progressional app for after birth, baby+ which is also excellent. We track her feeds, sleep, changes, growth, teeth, milestones etc. very good apps imo

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