
Please any advice because as a first time mum I find all the info so conflicting … baby girl is 3 weeks, formula fed & I feel like the last 2 days she is constantly wanting more. She was having 120ml every 3 hours no problem, but now is waking hungry every 2 and still sucking her fingers wanting more. I tried to do some research and some said up to 150ml and she might last longer but is still wanting every 2 hours. Now I’m panicking that I’m over feeding or just not doing it right 😩😩 how do you know?!?! Some say 150ml is far too much, some say it’s just right! Feel like can’t win/ don’t know what’s best and worrying I’m over feeding. But she doesn’t push bottle away or show signs of being full. Any advice helpful or what your babies are having. Xx
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We’re just shy of 4 weeks and usually between 120-150ml per feed and, like you, waking up every 2-3 hours wanting more. No ideas on why or if it’s okay, but with you in solidarity - not easy knowing what these little ones what, all we can go off is their cues!

Every baby is different, it took my baby quite a while to go from 120 to 150 even though he was wanting more giving him the extra he kept bringing it up. If she's happy with 150ml then stick with that. If you're really concerned though give the health visitor a call they might have some suggestions. Maybe she needs the hungry baby formula

I work in ml as opposed to oz, so not sure how much 120 or 150ml is but my advice would be, make the extra and see how you get on. If she drinks it and keeps it down, then continue with the higher amount. Sometimes she might have it, sometimes she might not but if you offer it, then you know she isn’t hungry. It’s such a minefield and there is so much info out there but I really honestly wouldn’t worry about over feeding, she won’t drink it or keep it down if she doesn’t want / need it.xx

Thankyou so much, puts my mind at ease 🙏🏼 what a whirlwind 😂😅 I’ll offer it and see how we go. She hasn’t bought it back up or pushed away so I guess it’s what she needs and will see how she gets on xx

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