Sugar in urine tests but two negative diabetes tests?

Anyone else have sugar in their urine test but not have GD? I redid the GD test last week and results came back normal again but had sugar again at my midwife appt yesterday. The midwife told me it's not to do with what I've eaten recently but then I'm confused. We have been doing house renovations so I've eaten more rubbish than normal so I put it down to that but she disagrees. Anyone have any advice?
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I had traces of sugar in my urine earlier and told them I had been drinking more fresh juice etc and they said it could be due to that drink being high in sugar. Not sure if that helps😂

Have you been testing your own sugar levels too with the finger pricks?

@Sarah no they haven't advised me to do that yet, but I did order a bunch of the urine strips from Amazon and I noticed that just after I've had dinner it'll show sugar then after a few hours it won't show I don't know how she can say it isn't to do with what I'm eating atm, she said food and drink have nothing to do with it. I think next time I'll just fast beforehand or something if it's in the morning and see if it still comes as sugary 🤔

@Abbie that makes sense! My friend is a midwife and she said even if you've had loads of chocolate or something the night before it can affect the urine test so I'm confused

Might be worth ordering a blood sugar testing kit from amazon. That's what I did because I had GD in previous pregnancy and my GTT has been normal this time so I've been keeping an eye on my fasting levels and also my 2 hr post meal levels. That will give you more info x

@Sarah Thank you 🙏🏼 they called today and said they are going to give me some of the finger prick test things to monitor for 5 days and see what my results are, they are going to explain more tomorrow x

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