I'm in full blown panic mode..

I have an 18 month old daughter and am due my 2nd in about 4/5 weeks and I am genuinely having a complete panic. Im so scared and don't understand how people do it. My 18m old is at the point of tantrums, sleep regression (she usually sleeps well but struggling at the moment) and just lots of screaming (she cannot say any words so it's the only way she communicates. Im honestly terrified about how a newborn fits into this. I'm worried that I won't be able to spread myself across the both of them enough to support them both. For context I'm a stay at home mum and my daughter is (and will be) at home with me 100% of the time whilst managing a newborn. Also, my partner only gets a week off work. I don't know why I'm posting this, I suppose I'm just hoping for reassurance or tips and guidance.
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I don't have any experience with this but I will be in your shoes. My 9 month old will be 14 months when the next one is born. All I can say is many many people have done what you are about to do and everything usually turns out well. Do you have anyone else who can support you or come to stay for a bit?

Hi Grace! My second and third are this same age gap and then I also have a 4 year old. I totally understand your panic because that was me!! A couple things. 1. I have felt like my kids have gone through less easy stages right before their sibling is born, both times. It made me panic both times I have added a sibling, but they know change is coming too and I believe this is how they show it. 2. My second is SO in love with her baby sister and helps me more than my 4 year old honestly. So that relationship alone makes it all worth it. Lastly, the biggest thing I have learned in motherhood is that while this change is so scary, there is nothing you can do to prepare for it, you just have you jump in and you WILL figure it out. It may take a bit of time, and there totally will be hard days, but you absolutely will find your rhythm, it will become your new norm and soon enough with will not remember life before that baby.

You will be amazing for both of them. And even in the hard, the fact that you CARE, that’s what makes you an amazing mom. Remember that you are giving your daughter the greatest gift. This phase of hers will pass. I’m LOVING my 19 month age gap as one is 3 months and one almost 2. It’s chaos, but the sweetness, love and bond I see between them makes it completely worth it. Good luck to you. Breathe ❤️

@Cassandra this is what I keep telling myself! If people could do this back in the day then surely I can! Fortunately we do have partners family nearby but they're not always reliable. Unfortunately my mum is ill at the moment and may not be able to support as much as with our first.

@S this is really reassuring thank you! Everyone I've told that my daughter isn't sleeping and is being very demanding etc. has said she probably knows a baby is coming. I suppose we do talk about it alot even while she's around and we always say she understands more than we realise! I mean nothing prepared us for our first so it makes sense!

@S thank you again, I keep trying to tell myself everything will work out because I suppose we have no choice now!!

I have a 20-month gap. My boy recently turned 2, and my girl is 5 months old tomorrow. The first month or two is the hardest. He wanted nothing to do with her ( during gurst picture, he tried to push her off), but over time, he got used, and now they are very close. He tries to feed her, and if she cries, she will try to soothe her via gentle pats. 1. Do not expect your lo to welcome the baby right away. Let them adjust to each other 2. all will be good in time Xx

22 month age gap, my youngest is 4.5 months now. Having a toddler and newborn is 100% easier than being pregnant with a toddler for starters. Your newborn honestly will just fit in, I was petrified as my partner only had two weeks off but really you just manage. One thing I do is tell my newborn to wait if I’m doing something or seeing to my toddler, it seems weird but it’s so my toddler knows he’s not the only one being told to wait a second etc

@Amy glad to hear it's easier than being pregnant because wow, I found pregnancy hard with my first but this is rough in a whole different way! I've heard to say this to your newborn and toddler and it makes a lot of sense! I do it with my eldest in front of our nephew as he's older and always seems to be nagged at for being too rough etc but I try to also tell my eldest when she's being unfair, even though she's 1.5 years old and has no Idea 🤣

@Amy I agree with this! Pregnancy and a toddler is HARD and definitely harder than once the baby is here!

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