Yes definitely cut her off, my MIL used to talk so much racist things about me to her daughters and they told me. Told my partner and he has an argument with her and denied everything and said more things about me to his face. He stood up for me then stopped seeing his mum for a few months and even stopped talking to her. Then she started again to a point I told my partner she isn’t welcomed in this house nor am I going to hers to visit and neither is my son. He got annoyed but understood and it took her about almost a year to fix up because he wouldn’t go round to see her aswell. Only started seeing her recently and she’s being nice now. Tell your husband how you feel. Has he spoken to her about what she says about you? Feel like you just should cut her off and when she’s ready to be nice and have common sense, she knows how to contact you both. I’m so sorry she spoke so bad about you and disrespected your rules when it came to your son
Haha love how both options above are “cut her off”, I think you’ve made your mind up and I don’t blame you!
The second she kissed your baby after you told her not to, that is the end of her being a grandparent. It's not even a question!
Sounds like we have the EXACT same mother in law lol. Working on cutting her off slowly but surely. Currently low contact
It’s probably at least partly up to your partner. You can set boundaries for their interactions and exactly what she can do. but he ultimately needs to decide if he wants to cut her out of his life/kids life. My MIL nearly dropped my baby on his head yet we still go. I just never leave the kids with her unattended
Ridiculous behaviour, all of the above. I'd also cut her off and don't worry it's not you being the problem by "holding a grudge". She made her bed, now rot in it