I don’t understand. I don’t know what to do. Tantrum.

My son wanted to go outside. So we get dressed and ready (snow clothes) I open up the door so we can go outside. The door he was waiting at. he starts screaming and goes out to the porch and slams his head off the porch. He’s now been having the worst tantrum he’s ever had. He’s been nonstop screaming for 30 minutes. What do I do? I don’t get it. He’s never really been much of a tantrum kind of kid and was usually easy to pull out of it if one started. I’ve read about talking out the problem but how can I when I don’t know what it is? Anytime I say a single word he screams louder. I’ve tried distracting him/ doing something he likes and all that gets is more screams. I’ve even tried turning on his favorite video and that was just more screams. I can’t leave the room because if I do he will slam his head on the ground. Send help and aspirin. (This is the send time since he’s turned 3 that he’s done that. He wanted to go to a store, we went he threw himself down on the ground and started shrieking like I was beating him that one only lasted 5-10 minutes.)
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I have always had a tantrum kid. She has her moments where she will have one for literally no reason. Her tantrums can last an hour. I don't have advice other try to find a distraction, that's what I do. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't

Instead of talking in a regular tone whisper he may stop screaming to hear what your saying It doesn't always work for my daughter but has worked on a few occasions with my son who is turning 3 next week

I felt this so much! My daughter just started these bad tantrums and i don’t know what over for like 2 weeks now. I don’t know what to do or how to work through it! Hopefully you find something that helps!

I’ve heard that when a child is irrational or inconsolable then they could be either tired or have low blood sugar. When my daughter is acting crazy I give her milk or a snack and 10-15 mins later she feels better. Not that it can solve everything but it has def helped. Especially when they have those post-nap meltdowns!

@Naomi I have to try this with my daughter!

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