@Kristine did you try to use a car seat or just decided it was easier for her straight on the seat?
@Panisha it didn’t really cross my mind to be honest as we always have so much stuff with us and she only sits in the car seat for a max of 20-30 min. But you do you- if you feel more comfortable taking a car seat, take a car seat!
@Kristine makes sense! I think. I might take the car seat and if it doesn't fit in, I'll ask to have it at the bottom. Otherwise I might try to just buckle him in, on the window side, and I'm on the end. I'll have a google/YouTube of other ideas too Thanks!
We had to get a coach to our hotel on holiday last September and it was a nightmare having him sat on our lap climbing all over us and hitting the back of the seat in front 😅 hoping this year he’ll be better
I have, she just sat on the seat buckled up when she managed to sit calmly and climbing on me the rest of the journey 😬