That topically only is an issue if the father had verified parental rights, confirmed dna test and established paternity.
I do know who the father is but he doesn't know about our child, I fell pregnant and moved away ,we weren't dating was just a booty call, he isn't on the birth certificate or nothing, if I just said I didn't know who it was, is that ok? Can my husband adopt without bringing the biological father into it.
My husband wanted to adopt my son and I had to go to the court house and they told me that my son's biological father had to terminate his rights and I did have to pay a fee for it if you have any questions you can message me and I'll explain everything to you
Jenn, did you say you knew the biological father or not, surly if I said it was a one night stand that might be different?
Yes I was with my son's biological father then we went our separate ways
Do you know who the biological father is or no? And it depends on your state which route needs to be taken based on the answer above. Check with your state.