@Fahima I'm in counseling again. Have been in and out of counseling most of my life for me. Once for marriage
I’ve had counselling but this is therapy. are you able to describe your depression anxiety and PTSD
It can be really rough, especially at this time of the year. As long as you're getting through the day and trying to eat something (even if it's just a snack), it's better than nothing. Take baby steps and reach out to your support systems. Doing little things for yourself can make a huge difference. Have a nice shower, sit with a sun lamp, do a skincare routine, buy yourself a little treat. Sending you both all of the love, I hope it turns around. ❤️❤️
Sounds like you are lacking in Dopamine levels
Something definitely happened in your life that triggered you and your depression.
@Lucy had severe depression my entire life
I understand and sorry to hear it's been lifelong. I can understand the feeling of being tired all the time, not eating much and loss of interest in things. I struggled with the same symptoms. The medications I take now has helped a lot.
I've had periods like this. Now my little girl has started solids I try and moke something for both of us to make it easier for me to actually eat something. Sometimes speaking to mental health professionals helps
I feel the same hun. I’m getting therapy at the moment weekly