@Daniela yes please
One simple intervention could be to bring your focus onto your breathing once you are aware your thoughts are racing. Doing a body scan can also be helpful. You can find guided body scans on YouTube to get an idea how to do it. Postpartum anxiety is actually not an official mental health diagnosis. You'd probably receive a diagnosis of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) if you meet the criteria, as it's been over a year postpartum. With GOOD holistic (both mind and body) treatment, I really believe that you can overcome the symptoms. Herbal tea is one of my favorite ways to boost our bodies and St. John' Wort is one herb that's been known to treat anxious and depressive symptoms. Eliminating things like caffeine or minimizing sugar intake are also known to help manage symptoms. Exercise releases endorphins that ease anxiety and increase production of serotonin. Talk therapy can be a great boost in addition to other things as long as you have access to a therapist that is a good fit for you.
I have an active, sometimes nerve-wracking, 4yo boy, and I have a daily herbal drink, which helps to calm the anxiety. Would you like some more information about it?