Amazing 😊, thanks for the ideas … Just a quick question maybe someone can help as we are talking about babys lunches etc… my girl just started weaning shes 6mnths so iv started her on the baby jar foods frm 6mnths its been 2 weeks now shes started plus i still give her formula milk but she has less bottles now due to be on foods but shes become badly constipated is this normal for babys to be constipated since startin weaning? I give her water during feeds aswell an then few bottles milk but yesterday i cut the foods out an more milk an it seemed to make her bowel movement abit better x
Sorry to ask shes my third baby and its been years since my other 2 kids were born but when they started weaning they wasnt badly constipated like her x
@Charlene I’m not 100% sure myself as little man’s my first however she could be getting constipated from the change in her diet from milk to food if a very big change for babies. Id just try and cycle her legs,massage her belly and this might sound like a odd one but if you try and help her open that area up as we need to do that for our little one and it did help him to poo and just see how she goes if she has had anything and your getting very concerned I’d take her to the doctors or phone the hv and see what they have to says xx
@Joanna McKee I just used bread cut the edges off mashed some beans added my cheese and rolled them up, gave them a wash in full fat milk and fried them off in a pan with some butter! If you want something than bread you could try pasty xx
Hi yeah thats what im thinking getting constipated by starting weaning. Will do thank you xxx
These all look amazing! Do you have the recipe for the cheese and bean roll ups my LO would love these x