Hi! I was in a similar position but with pelvic and SPD. I literally was in bed with my baby ALL day until my husband came home and did tummy time, bath for her etc. we did tummy time in bed, feeding in bed, she stayed in bed while I went bathroom , EVERYTHING. She even had to take naps cosleeping.
@Danielle the problem is she's crawling, and starting to climb. I can't chase and redirect or pick her up at all. I can't lift her into the bath for baths, I can't lift her into her highchair to eat etc
@Annivie I'd love to do that but my daughter will not just hangout she's constantly trying to climb all over me and crawl right off the bed
How long until you can’t lift? Can he just take sick days? Could you maybe afford a nanny for a majority of the day? I’m sorry you are going thru this. 💗
I wonder if an enclosed floorbed might help? And just stay there all day. And if you need to leave to prepare food or pee or anything, you can keep her in there. You could even put it in the living room so you have a line of sight on her in case she figures out how to climb out? Or like kiki said, maybe you could hire someone to jusy come stay with you for a few hours of the day. Also, some churches may be willing to assist you with care!
I’m not sure if it is available to you but if you are eligible, the family medical leave act can help give your partner time off to help you. Unfortunately it would likely be unpaid leave https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/family-caregiver
See if your insurance will pay for a nurse to come to your house and help you with what you need
I had to have surgery and wasn’t allowed to lift anything for a few weeks. My partner couldn’t take time which made things a nightmare, but it’s doable. Baby proof an area like the bedroom, play area, lounge room. Use baby gates if you have to. do everything on the floor like feeding, changing, playing etc when your husband gets home he can do bath and all the heavy stuff. Maybe ask your hospital if they have home visits they might be able to help out. Advertise for somone to help out if you can afford it, neighbours
@Serena make a baby proofed area?
Awww I’m sorry you’re going through this if I had a car I would love to come help ! Your actually not to far from me and me and my two little one are just cooped up in the house everyday while my husband works
See if your state has perform care. In NJ it's a free service that can help with child care & finding resources.
What about doing everything in the floor? Diaper changes, meals, literally everything.