You need to let him know that something needs to change, before you reach your limit. He needs to talk to someone and get advice for becoming a dad. And honestly? Giving up weed might become a part of that, because it's not healthy. And that's part of wanting the best for his kids. Y'all should check the Dr John Deloney show on YouTube! He has some great advice about marriage, parenting and weed. He talks about the mental health part of weed, that I didn't know about. And now I understand why so many people choose to do it.
My exhusband was like this except he didn’t help with dinner nor bed time
Sorry I'm tired! But also as far as parenting made harder by daddy being home? Yeah it's an odd whiplash to his night off work! We love seeing him, but as the time passes, I keep thinking about it! How nice it'll be, when he goes back to work and we can do our normal stuff! He doesn't handle toddler fits well at all and I don't know how to talk to him about it. At this point, I feel like it's too late to correct it. And I don't know what the consequences of it will be. I'll be taking parenting classes soon, hoping to get insight!
My significant other is similar but he’s an alcoholic. He rather play games than help me with the kids or cooking after he gets home from work….
@Lolaa hes insignificant other.., why are you still with him
This sounds draining, no wonder you're looking forward to this weekend and everything running more smoothly. However, it sounds like your partner needs some support. It sounds like he's struggling with parenthood, I mean from what you've said he's told you that in other words. It might be worth having a bit of a 'date night' and sitting down and discussing his concerns and his role within the family. Yes, the weed is a problem but (I don't know him but) I'd imagine he wouldn't respond well to you saying this and may well become defensive. So I would approach the core issue, which is his feelings and emotions surrounding being a parent.
Firstly, you need to address why its taking 2 hrs to get your toddler to bed, that's insane! No wonder he feels overwhelmed with it if I'm honest. My partner has adhd and he would totally find this overwhelming
@Rebecca it’s taking so long because he adds distractions when he’s high
@Kristina financial support.. I tried applying for jobs but they’ve never gotten back to me and I don’t have much family support.
It sounds like you have a third child. Do you need him?